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Decarbonize. Invest. Transform
September 10-12, 2024
Edmonton Convention Centre | Alberta, Canada


Why Visit?

Carbon Capture Canada

The three-day event will be comprised of an exhibition and conference taking place from September 10-11, 2024, and a site visit to facility tours on September 12.

The convention aims to bring leading engineering firms, technology manufacturers and suppliers, energy firms, the oil and gas sector, heavy industry, chemical companies, various manufacturing organizations, research groups and NGOs, consultants, and government bodies to explore how we can rapidly accelerate the deployment and commercialization of carbon-removal technologies as a key solution on the pathway to net-zero carbon emissions.

Who should attend?

Meet with the key industry players over three days of the convention, with a two-day business conference, expanded tradeshow floor, with all major players and facility bus tours to see in-person actual CCUS projects in play.

Associations and Alliances

Banking & Financial Services

Biogas Companies

Building Construction

Carbon Steel Manufacturers

Cement Industries

Chemical Industries

Coal-Fired Power Generation

Consultants and Advisors

Emission Monitoring

Energy Companies

Environmental Consultants

EPA Representatives

Equipment Certification Services

Equipment Manufacturers

Exploration Companies

Fabrication and Manufacturing

Fertilizer Industries

Field Data Management

Glass Industries

Industrial Manufacturers

Legal & Compliance Services

Legal and Regulatory Firms

Microseismic and Geology

Natural Gas Processing

News Reporters & Journalists

Oil & Gas Production

Oilfield Strategic Analysis

Pipeline Industries

Plastics and Polymers

Power Generation

Production Management

Public Consultation Groups

Research and Development

Reservoir Engineering

Satellite Monitoring

Sustainability Engineer

Transportation and Logistics

Tyre Manufacturing

Well Power Solutions

80% of global final energy demand is currently served by high-emitting fuels. Zero-carbon substitutes will be key to full decarbonization.


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