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Canada's National CCUS Convention
September 23-25, 2025
Edmonton Convention Centre | Alberta, Canada

2024 Co-Host



Nominees for the Carbon Capture Canada Awards will be selected from proposals submitted to the judging panel. Early submission is particularly important to ensure that the judging panel has ample time to review the proposals. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Review the list of categories and corresponding questions for each category to determine the category that best fits the company or individual that you would like to nominate. A primary choice is required.

  • Limit of three submissions per organization, please coordinate within your organization on which three categories you would like to focus on.
  • All submissions must pertain to a 2023/2024 initiative.

All abstract submissions will need to be submitted electronically through the online submission form by the June 28, 2024, deadline.

  • Ensure that you have all the required questions completed before you begin
  • The same submission may not be submitted for more than one category. If the same submission is submitted more than once, all submissions after the first entry will automatically be disqualified from consideration.

After you have submitted your submission for consideration the judging panel will review all submissions after the June 28, 2024, deadline.

  • The judging panel will review the submissions based on a list of criteria given to them ahead of time.
  • All submitters will be notified by email to the main contact person indicated in the online submission form of the status of their submission by July 26, 2024.


  • Only the information requested in the online form is required at this time. Detailed instructions on requirements will be sent to each nominee once notified.
  • Nominated individuals and companies will be offered priority to attend the awards ceremony. If nominees are not able to personally attend the ceremony, nominees will need to send at least one company representative.
  • dmg events assume no obligation for expenses by nominees for travel, registration fees, accommodation, food, visa fees or other incidental expenses.


The key to developing an effective submission is to provide the judging panel with a clear, concise submission with specific information about how the candidate has fulfilled the requirements of the award for which you are nominating them.

As the submitter, it is your responsibility to work with the other individuals supporting the nomination to tell your nominee’s story. Remember that the members of the judging panel do not know most of the individuals who are nominated so you need to tell them about how your submission meets and exceeds the requirements of the award for which they are being considered for. Do not assume that an individual/companies reputation precedes them – you must tell the story.

  1. Start with a clear, concise, and specific opening statement about what the individual/company does within the industry. Avoid making the sentence vague and full of generalities. This will be used for marketing purposes to inform the public why they were selected in case your submission was chosen to be a nominee/winner. Every sentence counts.
  2. Be prepared in such a manner that the requirements of the award match the characteristics of the nominee. Be sure to read the requirements for the award.
  3. Be concise. Even though each member of the nominating team will likely provide overlapping information about the nominee, it is not useful to mention the same characteristics multiple times. Use the allotted space to offer unique examples that support the nominee’s fit to the award for which they are being nominated.
  4. Be explicit. It is best to give specific examples of how the nominee has met or exceeded the requirements for the award. It is not useful to offer a statement noting that the nominee is excellent. Data and specific information are required to support the claim. This is particularly true in situations where the nominee has gone above and beyond the expectations of their role within the industry.
  5. Proofread your submission. It is your responsibility as the submitter to ensure that there are no typos and that the document flows smoothly and tells your nominee’s story.
  6. Be sure that the materials are focused on the individual/ company being nominated and that all information is from a project/initiative that was developed in 2023/2024.
    End with a concise closing statement that summarizes and reinforces the outstanding attributes of your nominee that are expected for individuals/companies who are chosen for the award.
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