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Canada's National CCUS Convention
September 23-25, 2025
Edmonton Convention Centre | Alberta, Canada

2024 Co-Host

About Knowledge Bars

2025 Knowledge Partners:

The knowledge bars at Carbon Capture Canada will be dedicated areas where knowledge exchange occurs between customers, clients, and attendees. The open presentation style will have industry leaders covering a variety of technical topics relevant to Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage.

Access to the 44 presentations in four theatres is included in your exhibition or conference delegate pass and will take place throughout both days of the exhibition, with sessions starting at 10:30 am each day. Presentations will be 30 minutes long with an opportunity for an extensive Q&A session afterwards. Pre-registration for individual sessions will not be required, but space will be limited.

The Edmonton Convention Centre's exhibition floor, Halls A and B, will conveniently house all four knowledge bars.

Access to the knowledge bar sessions is included with your visitor or conference pass.

Interested in speaking? The 2025 call for submission is now open!

Deadline for submissions is March 30, 2025. 

Submit Now


Gain CPD accreditation

The Carbon Capture Canada Knowledge Bar has been accredited by the CPD Certification Service, which provides recognized independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements for energy professionals. Additional benefits include:

  • Engaging in Continuing Professional Development ensures that your professional qualifications do not become outdated or obsolete.
  • Earning CPD points allows you to 'up skill' or 're-skill' yourself, thereby complementing your career aspirations.
  • CPD accredited programs, such as the Global Energy Show Technical Conference, enable you to identify knowledge gaps and gain insights into the latest developments, showing a clear commitment to self-development and professionalism.
  • Receive your CPD accreditation certificate after the Global Energy Show Technical Conference.
  • 1 CPD point is equivalent to 1 CPD hour. Each 30-minute session counts as 0.5 CPD hour.
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