Jana McDonald

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Decarbonize. Invest. Transform
September 10-12, 2024
Edmonton Convention Centre | Alberta, Canada


Jana McDonald

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Jana McDonald

Chief Executive Officer & Founder
Guardyan Conservation Group

Jana McDonald – Founder and CEO of Guardyan Conservation and CDO of Obsidian Engineering.

Jana’s background in communication, negotiation and corporate development in the Oil and Gas industry has stewarded her passion for integrating her network and client base into the carbon markets. Beginning in early 2019, she identified a lack of credit development for profit within the Canadian Oil Sands. Since founding Guardyan Conservation Corp., Jana has provided project feasibility on a global scale including those in Canada, USA, South Africa, Indonesia and Singapore. She has a track record of success in generating industry-agnostic environmental attributes across agriculture, transportation, technology, efficiencies, renewables, solar and land use. Jana is a hands-on leader who continues to expand Guardyan’s scope and influence through strategic partnerships and the development of disruptive and monumentally profitable projects for their client base.

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