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Ericka Rios

Ericka Rios, the Clean Technology Manager at Alberta Innovates, boasts an impressive career that spans continents and academic institutions. With over 15 years of experience, she has made significant contributions to the field of clean energy and sustainability.
Ericka’s background includes thermal recovery methods R&D, currently focusing on carbon dioxide removal (CDR) efforts, as well as engaging with Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) technologies, combining bioenergy (such as biomass) with carbon capture to achieve negative emissions.
As a manager overseeing hydrogen and CCUS projects, Ericka is well-versed in hydrogen production innovation. Her experience in project management and technology development positions her to explore next-gen carbon capture and utilization (CCU) solutions, converting captured CO2 into valuable products.
Ericka’s educational journey is equally remarkable. She graduated as a Chemical Engineer from Universidad Industrial de Santander in Colombia. Later, she pursued an M.Sc. in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Calgary, where she received a scholarship.
Her professional trajectory includes roles such as New Ventures Analyst, R&D Engineer, and Project Engineer. Before joining Alberta Innovates, Ericka worked at InnoTech Alberta, focusing on cross-sectoral clean technology initiatives.
Beyond her work, Ericka’s active lifestyle shines through. She has completed two 70.3 Ironman competitions in Calgary and Texas. Her love for cooking is evident, especially her renowned lasagna. And of course, her passion for coffee adds to her vibrant persona.
Ericka Rios embodies dedication, expertise, and a commitment to advancing clean technologies.
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