Maria Luisa Grilli

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Canada's National CCUS Convention
September 23-25, 2025
Edmonton Convention Centre | Alberta, Canada

2024 Co-Host

Maria Luisa Grilli

Maria Luisa Grilli

Maria Luisa Grilli

Senior Researcher

Maria Luisa Grilli, PhD, is Senior Researcher at ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, at the Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources Department. Actually, her main research topics are R&D of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs),  Proton Exchange Membranes (PEMs), catalysts for dry and steam reforming of methane, CO2 valorization and H2 production.

She is actually ENEA representative of the Marie-Curie Rise Project “Chemistry of Platinum Group Metals- CHemPGM”, of the PNRR project “ECCSELLENT - Development of ECCSEL - R.I. ItaLian facilities: usEr access, services and loNg-Term sustainability” and leader of WP4 “Production of green H2 from biomass gasification using efficient CO2 capture, storage and reuse processes” in the frame of the National Project PTR-2022-2024 “Energy efficiency of industrial products and processes”. She is National delegate (as alternant) in the  executive committee of IEA (International Energy Agency) of TCP- IETS (Industrial and Energy-related Technologies and Systems).

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