- 10 30 AM
Investigating the Techno-economic Performance of Chemical Looping Technology for Hydrogen Production
Objectives/Scope: • Develop a process simulation model for blue hydrogen production via chemical looping partial oxidation of methane (CL-POM). • Develop a techno-economic model for blue hydrogen...
Knowledge Partner : Pathways Alliance
Exhibition Floor
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Investigating the Techno-economic Performance of Chemical Looping Technology for Hydrogen Production
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Exhibition Floor
Objectives/Scope: • Develop a process simulation model for blue hydrogen production via chemical looping partial oxidation of methane (CL-POM). • Develop a techno-economic model for blue hydrogen production through CL-POM. • Estimate the CO2 emissions and net energy ratio (NER) of blue hydrogen production via CL-POM. • Develop the scale factor for hydrogen production using CL-POM. Scope: This work includes the techno-economic, GHG emissions, scale factor, and NER of CL-POM to produce hydrogen. The system boundary comprises hydrogen production, purification, and storage, and carbon capture, transport, and sequestration. • Methods, Procedures, Process: The hydrogen production through CL-POM was modeled to produce 607 tonnes of hydrogen per day, using natural gas as feedstock and Ni-Al2O3 as oxygen carrier. The process modelling includes the production of syngas via partial oxidation of methane in a fluidized set of reactors using a metal oxide to separate the oxygen from the air in the air reactor and circulate it to the fuel reactor to combust the fuel. Then, the syngas undergoes water gas shift reactions at high and low temperatures to maximize the hydrogen yield. Hydrogen is purified via pressure swing absorption for aboveground storage, and CO2 is captured for transportation and sequestration. Capital investment, operating cost, and hydrogen cost were calculated based on the material and energy balance of the process. The process GHG emissions were calculated based on the natural gas used as a feedstock, the electricity demand, and the onsite emissions. The NER was determined as the ratio between the energy produced and the total energy input. We determined the scale factor by varying the hydrogen capacity of the plant and calculating the capital investment, operating cost, and hydrogen cost for each capacity. • Results, Observations, Conclusions: The cost of hydrogen using CL-POM is C$3.66/kg. When the uncertainties in the input parameters were considered, the hydrogen cost ranged from 3.51 to 4.70 $C/kg. The most sensitive parameters impacting the hydrogen cost are internal rate of return and hydrogen storage. Economies of scale were identified in the production of hydrogen via CL-POM. The scale factor of CL-POM is 0.64. CL-POM has a NER of 0.83, confirming the high energy efficiency compared with conventional hydrogen production routes. The process GHG emissions are 2.86 gCO2/kg-H2, with natural gas upstream emissions as the highest contributor to the overall process footprint. The results show that CL-POM provides a better energy efficiency and environmental footprint than conventional hydrogen production. • Novel/Additive Information: There is a scarcity of studies investigating the techno-economic and environmental feasibility of the partial oxidation of methane using chemical looping technology. Additionally, the published studies have not included crucial aspects such as hydrogen storage, economies of scale, and NER analysis.
- 11 30 AM
Innovation and Collaboration Driving Oil Sands Energy Transition
The oil sands industry is at the forefront of the energy transition to net zero emissions and sustainable oil. Canada and the industry’s goal is to produce energy with net zero emissions by 2050. W...
Knowledge Partner : Pathways Alliance
Exhibition Floor
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Innovation and Collaboration Driving Oil Sands Energy Transition
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Exhibition Floor
The oil sands industry is at the forefront of the energy transition to net zero emissions and sustainable oil. Canada and the industry’s goal is to produce energy with net zero emissions by 2050. What will it take? Ground-breaking innovation and intense collaboration like the world has never seen before. A unique model of collaboration and innovation, Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) is building on 10 years of innovation to reduce the impacts of oil sands production on air, land and water in the oil sands region. Now a technical division of the Pathways Alliance, COSIA is developing and stewarding a 10-year evergreen plan of technology development that will allow member companies to achieve milestone GHG emission reductions. No one technology will achieve this goal and a suite of solutions are being pursued including molten carbonate fuel cells, solvents, new mining technologies, sunlight-activated water treatment and many, many more.
- 12 30 PM
The Science, Engineering and Art of Delta Carbon Capture Technologies
Delta Clean Tech believes that the easiest way to help industry adopt carbon capture technologies is to make it economically advantageous to do so! Delta has over 17 years experience in providing p...
Knowledge Partner : Pathways Alliance
Exhibition Floor
12:30 PM - 1:15 PM
The Science, Engineering and Art of Delta Carbon Capture Technologies
12:30 PM - 1:15 PM
Exhibition Floor
Delta Clean Tech believes that the easiest way to help industry adopt carbon capture technologies is to make it economically advantageous to do so! Delta has over 17 years experience in providing process solutions in post- & pre- combustion carbon capture applications ranging from 1-7,000 TPD. Delta has successfully completed more than 100 carbon capture projects and studies all over the world. This presentation will discuss the history of amine-based carbon capture including the solvent selection, Delta Low-Cost Design (LCDesign®) Carbon Capture Technology, and previous & current projects including major FEED studies and designed/built plants. The presentation will also cover some examples of completed projects and operating plants in Canada and overseas.
- 1 30 PM
Seeking Novel Technologies for Post Combustion Capture Processes
As part of its suite of innovation opportunities, COSIA is looking for new transformative technologies to capture carbon dioxide (CO2 ) from flue gas streams generated by natural gas combustion in...
Knowledge Partner : Pathways Alliance
Exhibition Floor
1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Seeking Novel Technologies for Post Combustion Capture Processes
1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Exhibition Floor
As part of its suite of innovation opportunities, COSIA is looking for new transformative technologies to capture carbon dioxide (CO2 ) from flue gas streams generated by natural gas combustion in Once Through Steam Generators (OTSGs), or potentially gas turbines in the oil sands industry (mining and in-situ). Activities in this opportunity – Post combustion CO2 capture from natural gas combustion flue gas – will increase industry’s understanding of how to dramatically reduce the cost of capture (especially CAPEX) from diluted CO2 streams (<8 vol%). They will also demonstrate how the most advanced and emerging Post Combustion Capture (PCC) technologies and processes can be economically applied to oil sands production. COSIA is also interested in identifying and developing promising early technology readiness level (TRL) processes and technologies for CO2 capture at a significantly lower cost (OPEX and CAPEX) relative to existing state-of-the art advanced amines.
- 2 30 PM
Monitoring Surface Expression of CCUS using Satellite InSAR and In-ground Geotechnical Instrumentation
Underground CO2 storage involves pumping liquid CO2 in injection wells at depths that can exceed 1000 m in porous geological horizons limited above by one or several impervious geological horizons...
Knowledge Partner : Pathways Alliance
Exhibition Floor
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Monitoring Surface Expression of CCUS using Satellite InSAR and In-ground Geotechnical Instrumentation
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Exhibition Floor
Underground CO2 storage involves pumping liquid CO2 in injection wells at depths that can exceed 1000 m in porous geological horizons limited above by one or several impervious geological horizons that will prevent short and long term upper migration of the CO2. Current storage designs anticipate the use of injection wells and observation wells that will be used to monitor the extent of the CO2 plumes. The horizontal extent of the porous geological formations in which CO2 will be stored will be considerable and the large quantities and high injection pressures of the stored CO2 could lead to disruptions in the host geological formations that could, in the worst case, compromise the integrity of the natural impervious horizons that will trap the CO2. A detailed and comprehensive Measurement, Monitoring and Verification (MMV) program is therefore required to establish a baseline and to monitor the storage complex during the injection phase and to assess its long-term performance (Monitoring, Measurement and Verification Principles and Objectives for CO2 Sequestration Projects, Alberta Energy, March 14, 2022, Version 1). Various technologies are already in use as part of MMV program, including but not limited to geophysical surveys, groundwater monitoring, pressure and temperature measurement in the injection boreholes and in observation boreholes, and CO2 flux measurement near and at the surface and in the atmosphere Proper containment of the CO2 plume into the targeted porous geological horizons need also to be monitored. If the CO2 injection was causing significant disruptions, there would be surface uplifts and movements that would arise from these underground movements. One of the best technologies for monitoring surface displacements, especially heaves and settlements is Satellite InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) which uses large scale satellite radar images to identify displacements as small as 1 mm of the earth surface. Monitored areas can be as large as 100 to 150 km2 from single images collected at intervals by satellite constellations. The presentation will cover the technology of InSAR and its capabilities and will show examples of its application for CCUS projects. Tiltmeter and GNSS technology that can also complement InSAR for surface displacement measurements will also be discussed, as well as data acquisition and visualization technologies that can be used for monitoring not only the tiltmeters and GNSS but also additional geotechnical monitoring instruments such as piezometers and borehole inclinometers, as well as groundwater monitoring instruments.
- 3 15 PM
- 4 00 PM
Industry Networking Reception
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Exhibition Floor
- 10 30 AM
Innovation and Collaboration Driving Oil Sands Energy Transition
The oil sands industry is at the forefront of the energy transition to net zero emissions and sustainable oil. Canada and the industry’s goal is to produce energy with net zero emissions by 2050. W...
Knowledge Partner : Pathways Alliance
Exhibition Floor
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Innovation and Collaboration Driving Oil Sands Energy Transition
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Exhibition Floor
The oil sands industry is at the forefront of the energy transition to net zero emissions and sustainable oil. Canada and the industry’s goal is to produce energy with net zero emissions by 2050. What will it take? Ground-breaking innovation and intense collaboration like the world has never seen before. A unique model of collaboration and innovation, Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) is building on 10 years of innovation to reduce the impacts of oil sands production on air, land and water in the oil sands region. Now a technical division of the Pathways Alliance, COSIA is developing and stewarding a 10-year evergreen plan of technology development that will allow member companies to achieve milestone GHG emission reductions. No one technology will achieve this goal and a suite of solutions are being pursued including molten carbonate fuel cells, solvents, new mining technologies, sunlight-activated water treatment and many, many more.
- 11 30 AM
Seeking Novel Technologies for Post Combustion Capture Processes
As part of its suite of innovation opportunities, COSIA is looking for new transformative technologies to capture carbon dioxide (CO2 ) from flue gas streams generated by natural gas combustion in...
Knowledge Partner : Pathways Alliance
Exhibition Floor
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Seeking Novel Technologies for Post Combustion Capture Processes
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Exhibition Floor
As part of its suite of innovation opportunities, COSIA is looking for new transformative technologies to capture carbon dioxide (CO2 ) from flue gas streams generated by natural gas combustion in Once Through Steam Generators (OTSGs), or potentially gas turbines in the oil sands industry (mining and in-situ). Activities in this opportunity – Post combustion CO2 capture from natural gas combustion flue gas – will increase industry’s understanding of how to dramatically reduce the cost of capture (especially CAPEX) from diluted CO2 streams (<8 vol%). They will also demonstrate how the most advanced and emerging Post Combustion Capture (PCC) technologies and processes can be economically applied to oil sands production. COSIA is also interested in identifying and developing promising early technology readiness level (TRL) processes and technologies for CO2 capture at a significantly lower cost (OPEX and CAPEX) relative to existing state-of-the art advanced amines.
- 12 30 PM
The Role of Carbon Capture in Advanced Biofuel Solutions
The drive to achieve decarbonization within the energy sector is motivating the industry to investigate alternative means of producing conventional drop-in fuels. Thermo-oxidative reforming of biom...
Knowledge Partner : Pathways Alliance
Exhibition Floor
12:30 PM - 1:15 PM
The Role of Carbon Capture in Advanced Biofuel Solutions
12:30 PM - 1:15 PM
Exhibition Floor
The drive to achieve decarbonization within the energy sector is motivating the industry to investigate alternative means of producing conventional drop-in fuels. Thermo-oxidative reforming of biomass is one of the most industrially mature technologies which is gaining significant traction, with multiple large-scale projects under various stages of development. An inherent consequence of the reforming pathway is the need to deploy carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies, in a similar vein to existing coal to liquids processes. Unique constraints must be taken into consideration for the deployment of such processes pertaining to factors including process flexibility and trace contaminate profiles; while consideration must also be given to the value of renewable carbon contained in the process feedstock. To achieve long-term decarbonization goals and an efficient circular carbon economy, the energy industry will be required to consider trade-offs and methodologies for assigning value to the conversion of renewable carbon feedstocks. Further to the deployment of CCS processes, advanced biofuels technologies in the form of power-to-liquids (PtL) systems have the potential to utilize CO2 as a feedstock to produce convention liquid fuels. Such technologies promise the ability to monetize existing CO2 stores; and to improve conversion within conventional thermo-oxidative reforming pathways. This presentation will explore the role of carbon capture and utilization technologies in the development of advanced biofuels synthesis pathways; and ultimately, the decarbonization of liquid hydrocarbon fuels
- 1 30 PM
Reducing Methane Emissions and Penalties Via Flange-Level Detection: Mitigation and Accounting of Fugitive Emissions
Recently enacted legislation in developed countries imposes escalating penalties for methane emissions in oil and gas operations. The most commonly accepted method for assessing methane venting pen...
Exhibition Floor
1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Reducing Methane Emissions and Penalties Via Flange-Level Detection: Mitigation and Accounting of Fugitive Emissions
1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Exhibition Floor
Recently enacted legislation in developed countries imposes escalating penalties for methane emissions in oil and gas operations. The most commonly accepted method for assessing methane venting penalties is based on statistical models that estimate the expected emissions of a facility based on the gas throughput, the gas pressure, and the number of flanges, connectors, pressure regulators, etc., in that facility. Such an assessment method does not accurately reflect the maintenance and inspection practices of the operators. For instance, a facility run by a prudent operator with a well-established preventative maintenance program will likely emit less methane than reflected in calculations based on statistical models—resulting in the operator overpaying for methane emissions. Until recently, there was no practical way to implement a flange-level emissions monitoring program that would accurately identify fugitive emissions and, more importantly, certify the absence of such emissions on properly maintained flanges and connections. In other words, there was no accurate method to determine fugitive emissions, drive preventative maintenance programs to eliminate emissions, and accurately account for emissions to reduce penalty payments for prudent operators. In 2021 and 2022, Xplorobot developed a 3D model-based methane mapping solution to identify and measure emissions accurately. Xplorobot has deployed this solution along Wood PLC in multiple on-shore and off-shore facilities with human workers and autonomous robots. The robots can capture accessible flanges, connectors, pressure regulators, etc., and the person can focus on areas not currently accessible by available robots. The combined 3D maps of the surveyed sites allow for the exact localization of methane concentration down to specific flanges and tags. The joint deployments between Xplorobot and Wood PLC have demonstrated that the precise localization of anomalies allows for instant reports to the operator and immediate repairs within 24 hours of identification. Most importantly, the 3D mapping technique developed by Xplorobot also enabled operators to document the absence of emissions on most flanges and connectors. The detailed account of fugitive emissions down to a flange, with the specific count of those flanges in a 3D model, enables an accurate accounting relative to the statistical model and the ability for a prudent operator to reduce methane emission penalties based on the precise documentation of actual measurements.
- 2 30 PM
EcoSeis: A Solution for Lowering the Environmental Footprint of Seismic Imaging
All exploration and production projects, whether for oil and gas, mining, or clean tech applications such carbon capture and storage, begin with an accurate image of the subsurface. Many technologi...
Knowledge Partner : Pathways Alliance
Exhibition Floor
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
EcoSeis: A Solution for Lowering the Environmental Footprint of Seismic Imaging
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Exhibition Floor
All exploration and production projects, whether for oil and gas, mining, or clean tech applications such carbon capture and storage, begin with an accurate image of the subsurface. Many technologies have been developed to enable the acquisition of cost-effective seismic data with high-density land seismic programs becoming commonplace. However, as industry progresses and the long-term surface footprint associated with these programs becomes better understood, new methods are needed to reduce the environmental impact of acquiring seismic data. Technologies such as miniaturized source and recording equipment as well as innovative cutting techniques are providing encouraging results, but the next step towards ecologically intelligent seismic surveys has emerged in the world of seismic program design. The focus of these new designs is to maximize subsurface resolution while minimizing the surface footprint. In forested regions, conventional geometry seismic programs may require cutting 10-25% of the trees within the program area to provide safe access for equipment deployment. Irregular or alternative geometries, however, can reduce the total amount of line clearing within a seismic program by up to 55%. This reduction in land footprint also leads to a reduction in both GHG and methane emissions due to lower fuel consumption and less ground compaction. New acquisition designs are easier to create than to test. Although model attributes and synthetic data can be leveraged to understand the outcomes, confirming how the geometries respond in the real world is a critical validation step. This paper will present the initial testing through processing, interpretation, and inversion of an existing ultra-high density seismic dataset decimated based on ecologically improved program designs.